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Angela Drake

Rapid E-Learning Tool

     I used Rise 360 by Articulate to create a rapid E-learrning instructional unit. The program is user friendly and allows the designer to simply paste in course content. Rise 360 itself creates the links, transitions, and theme. It even tracks progress and completion for the user. My instructional unit can be found here If the subscription to Articulate has expired, please click here for a PDF of the instructional module.

    In this instructional unit, student will get an overview of the organizational features of Schoology, what resources are offered, and how to submit work to Schoology. In Rise 360, I used labeled graphics and an embedded video as the means for presenting the information about Schoology’s features. This allows the instructor to take a screenshot of the screen and provide rich detail all within the context of a page in Schoology. Additionally, Rise 360 provides a quiz option which ensures that the learner is processing the instruction properly. This instruction will come at the beginning of the school year, offering students a preview to Schoology before they begin working in it. Additionally, the unit can be embedded directly in the LMS. My district would need to have a subscription to Articulate in order to export the unit the the LMS via SCORM, AICC or xAPI. The completion status and scores from the practice quizzes would transfer in the export to the LMS.