Cartoonized profile pic of A Drake

Angela Drake

  In EDET 703, we engaged in hands-on learning using a variety of tools in which we were unfamiliar; We learned about formatting tools in Word, we experimented with photo editing software, and we created an  instructional unit employing a new rapid e-learning tool. We researched good web design techniques, and we put those principles into practice.   
   Additionally, we transformed an instructional module from an interactive Power Point Presentation into a web-based platform. Finally, we conducted a research paper on an Instructional Design model, and we put that model into use when drafting our new instructional unit.
   I certainly never would have considered myself capable of creating this website or half the artifacts from this course until now. It has been a truly rewarding course to take!

Picture of Self
Graphic 1
Graphic 2
722 ID project
Graphic 3
Web 2.0 Tool
Rapid E- Learning Tool